My family generally eats at a table and passes the dishes along. At my in-laws the food is displayed buffet-style and you get in line and take what you want and then sit either outside or inside. I like both styles, having a sit-down dinner is nice, but I also like dining outside when the weather's nice so my in-laws style worked for me too.
After dinner, the whole family (except for the two youngest boys) played board games and for me that was really fun. I love board games, and I love activities that can bring the whole family together to have fun. In my families house, after dinner people usually sit in the living room and talk and/or watch football, which can be nice but I love games so when I get around to hosting a Thanksgiving that's what I would prefer to do.
There was a lot of fun and a lot of laughs, and I was not uncomfortable at all eating a dinner with a family other than my own. This has not always been the case when I've dated someone and gone to their house for a holiday meal, so I felt blessed this year to be at a place where I felt warm and welcome and part of the family.
In honor of the Thanksigiving holiday, to end this post I thought I'd give you a list of what I'm thankful for this season. Don't forget to check out the stuffing recipe to follow in the next post!
1. I'm thankful to have a good job now. After being unemployed for about a year (and going through basically the hell that is having no money) I could not be more thankful to have a place to get up and go everyday where I feel like I'm making a contribution to my company, society, and my financial well-being.
2. I'm thankful to be dating the person I am. We have gone through some rough times in the year we've been together, but we still do everything in our power to make it through the hard times and get to where we will be financially comfortable. He always convinces me to be positive and that we'll make it, no matter what's thrown at us. It's comforting to be with someone who tells me he loves me, works towards our future, and includes me with his family and friends.
3. I'm thankful to have a handful of really good friends who have been there for me and helped me out when I've had hard times in the last year. There is nothing like having people to count on when you need them, and I hope that I do the same for them. It always takes a few bad seeds to show you who your real friends are and I'm glad I know who my real ones are.
4. I'm grateful I have a hobby (shooting darts competitively) that allows me to keep developing my talent and allows me to meet new people and have a good time.
5. I'm grateful I have a hobby (this food blog!) that allows me to be creative, intellectual, and try new foods and express my love for all things culinary.
6. I'm thankful to have a roof over my head and a vehicle to get around. At different points in the past year I lost both briefly and now know how important these two things are.
7. I'm happy that the majority of my family/friends are happy and healthy as this has not always been the case and I want the people I love to be well.
I'm sure there are more things I could add to my list but these were the most important things and the first things that came to mind. I hope that everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving holiday!
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